

Get property management tips and tricks for success from the experts on the All County Property Management blog.

Understanding the Eviction Process in Colorado

Eviction, or involuntary termination of a lease, is a situation no landlord or tenant ever wants to face. Unfortunately, sometimes the relationship deteriorates to the point where it's the only option that remains— and when that happens, you'll want to make sure you have a thorough understanding of the legal ins and outs of the eviction process so you can…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
March 28, 2024

Should You Require Renters Insurance at Your Rental Property?

While there is no federal law that requires tenants to have renters insurance, landlords have a right to require their tenants to secure a renters insurance policy before moving onto the property. If you're a landlord considering mandatory renters insurance, the short answer is yes, it's a good idea—however, it's still a decision that requires careful consideration to ensure it…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
March 14, 2024

The Landlord’s Guide to Renovating a Rental Property 

Remodeling research shows that, in recent years, spending on home renovations and repairs has grown to equal the size of the new residential construction market. Because new construction only accounts for 1.5% of the housing stock, existing properties supply most of the housing needed to meet demand.  Thus, if you own a rental unit, it’s in your best interest to…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
March 14, 2024

How to Calculate ROI on a Rental Property

Did you know economists consider real estate one of the best recession-proof investments you can make? This is because real estate investing is a long-term game that isn’t affected by short-term occurrences. However, you shouldn’t just purchase any property that comes your way. Real estate investors know the importance of calculating ROI and assessing a property’s market value before buying…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
March 6, 2024

Do I Need Homeowner’s Insurance for a Rental Property?

Data from the Insurance Information Institute (III) shows that between 2017 and 2021, nearly 6% of insured homes filed a claim on their homeowner’s insurance policy. While 6% doesn’t seem like a high number, the average cost of damage was about $15,000. Homes with fire damage experienced over $80,000 in damages!  If you don’t have a property insurance policy, you…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
January 31, 2024

What Exactly Does Landlord Insurance Cover?

If you’re a rental property owner, you probably already know how to set aside a percentage of your rental income to cover general maintenance and repairs. But what are you to do if a storm rolls through and causes extensive property damage? Should you use personal savings, a credit card, or a loan to pay for the repairs?  Luckily, you…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
January 25, 2024

4 Ways to Create Rental Property Passive Income

Are rental properties a good investment? They certainly can be!  The average passive income from a rental property is around 7-8% after expenses and taxes. However, depending on your location, the rental real estate market, and costs, you could see a positive cash flow of up to 15%.  Additionally, the more properties you own, the more your net worth will…

Beth Davis
Beth Davis
December 7, 2023

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